Introduction to Axis & Atlas


Welcome to Axis & Atlas!

I’m here because I have tons of thoughts and ideas floating around in my mind and I am always searching for a place to put them. I chose to begin this blog in order to have a space where I can record what I think/know/experience, and where other people can read about it and (hopefully!) get some good out of it, too.

Dance is a huge integral part of who I am. I see the world in general as being involved an intricate dance – everything in connection with everything else. That is where the name of this blog comes from. The Axis and Atlas are bones in the spine that allow us to turn our heads to see the world around us. An axis is also a point on which something turns or spins, such as the Earth itself. In Greek mythology, Atlas is tasked with holding the Earth in its place in the sky. The name Axis & Atlas is meant to draw attention and connection between our inner selves to the world at large.

I would love to be able to share and talk with dancers, artists, writers, singers, builders, creators, and creatives in general. You should know that I consider nearly everything to be creative and that even in subjects like accounting and statistics (not my fortes) there is potential for creativity. In short, I want to connect with you no matter who you are or what you enjoy!

I aim to write about dance, mostly, but I also know that I occasionally have thoughts to share on books I’ve read, food, my faith, the body in general, and the state of the world. I intend to give myself the space and grace to talk about whatever is needed at the moment. I hope that as I continue to grow and change, this blog will too!

I am so glad you’re here and I hope you find something valuable to you!

Danica Zink

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